Monday, February 15, 2010

Bread with fruit pulp


1/2 cup fruit pulp
1 tsp. sugar
1 pinch cardamom powder or 1 drop vanilla essence

2 slice wheat or milk bread
2 tbsp. sweetened milk

Prepare coarse pulp from any desired fruit by just mashing with fork.
You may use mango, banana, chickoo, papaya, etc.
Use a transparent small bowl so that kids can see the layers.
Put 1 -2 sp fruit pulp in the cup.
Place slice of bread at bottom (cut it round with out the edges)
Mix the milk with cardamom powder or essence and the balance pulp.
Put one or 2 spoons of pulp on it.
Cover it by another bread slice.
Allow it to set for a while in the fridge.
Serve chilled on a hot summer afternoon.


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